Nicola Griffin sizzles in lingerie shoot

Images of women in lingerie alienate most women. They tend to feature slim beauties who are, for the most part, very young. The lesson we take from such imagery is that sexuality is only for the young and beautiful.

One woman currently turning that idea on its head is Nicola Griffin. Griffin shot to fame after she was the oldest woman to ever be used in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, wearing a bikini.

[And rocking it.]

Earlier this year, she featured in a sexy lingerie shoot for the UK-based magazine, Slink. Griffin took on all the poses we associate with lingerie shoots. The head dangling over the edge of a bed, resting lightly against a window. That wrapped in fur, lace and silk peeking through pose. The sat on the edge of a bath complete in bra, panties and suspenders. The confidence displayed is SEXY.

Griffin, (like SILVERFOX models Yazemeenah, Pia Gronning and Hillary Bitar) is also well-known for disregarding that bizarre rule that is often used against women: get to a certain age and you’re expected to cut your hair off. The UK-based model wears her long-flowing grey locks with pride. It’s certainly inspirational.

Ladies, imagine the freedom of abandoning the six-weekly visit to the colourist…

The global lingerie market is thought to be worth some $84.1 billion (USD). Can this industry afford to alienate women?

More older models in swimwear and lingerie please!!

Images via Slink Magazine; photographer Roberto Aguilar